“Our daughter Annie, age 9, was slow to develop and had learning problems from the beginning. She had always been in Special Ed, but thought we should try listening therapy as we had personal friends suggesting it. After just one month of sessions, we started noticing Annie’s changes. Her eye contact improved, she seemed to be more ‘with it’ and her mood was generally improved. We thought it might just be temporary and were afraid to believe our hopes. In time we saw significant improvement in articulation, communication (both verbal and non-verbal), and balance and coordination. She has shown great progress in balance and rhythm. Over a year has passed since she completed the program and all of these changes have remained in place. This has changed our daughter’s life, and ours as Dividerwell.”
- Sincerely, J. Kauer
ILS (Integrated Listening Systems) builds on the work of respected leaders in these fields, such as ear, nose and throat (ENT) physician Alfred A. Tomatis, M.D. (1920-2001). Among other discoveries, Dr. Tomatis helped identify the relationship between certain sound frequencies and their effect on functions of the mind and body. Building upon the psychoacoustic techniques originally developed in Europe by Dr. Tomatis and further refined over the past 8 years in the U.S. by Dynamic Listening Systems (DLS), iLs programs combine auditory stimulation with balance, movement and visual motor activities.
The design of ILS programs is based around the listening component. A simplified explanation of Dr. Tomatis’ findings shows that certain bands, or zones, of sound frequencies affect different abilities. Each product has a specific listening schedule, into which the balance and visual activities are included. These “integrating” activities comprise 15-20 minutes of each listening session, and are explained in a Playbook which accompanies each unit.
iLs Audio Therapy is suitable for a wide range of individuals seeking to enhance cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and self-regulation. It’s especially beneficial for those dealing with:
Anxiety and stress
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Learning disabilities
Sensory processing issues
Trauma recovery
Chronic fatigue or brain fog
Emotional and behavioral regulation struggles
If you're struggling with attention, emotional balance, or cognitive performance, iLs therapy might be the key to unlocking your brain's potential.
Improved Focus & Attention:
Enhance your ability to concentrate and complete tasks.
Better Emotional Regulation:
Learn to control emotional responses and reduce feelings of anxiety or frustration.
Improved Cognitive Performance:
Boost learning ability, memory, and problem-solving skills.
Enhanced Social Confidence:
Develop better communication skills and improve social interactions.
Mood Stabilization:
Reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and negative moods.
Brain Function Optimization:
Support brain health and enhance neuroplasticity for long-term mental clarity.
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Physical Therapy
ADHD Coaching
Autism Specicalties
Psychology / Counseling
Sports Coachin
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